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Leave your thoughtsNueva York — Con gran emoción y en medio de una tormenta de ovaciones los vecinos del edificio 188 Sur…
Nueva York — Con gran emoción y en medio de una tormenta de ovaciones los vecinos del edificio 188 Sur…
The New York State Health Foundation announced its first 23 grantees on Wednesday, less than a year after the foundation…
Make the Road by Walking Co-Director Oona Chatterjee will be a panelist on a discussion about youth organizing at the…
Representatives of the Coalition for Educational Justice (Make the Road by Walking is a member) are calling for a complete overhaul of the city schools’ sixth through eighth…
Are Yor Being Harassed by Your Landlord? Come to a Convention to Select New York’s Most Abusive Landlord. This event…
Members interested in taking English, Spanish literacy or computer classes should visit the office immediately to make an appointment- spaces…
Despite the below-freezing wind chill and icy patches on the ground, New Yorkers showed yet another display of endurance as…
More than 100 parent activists, labor leaders and elected officialsgathered outside city Department of Education headquarters in lower Manhattan yesterday,…
Según un reporte revelado ayer por NYC Coalition for Educational Justice (Se Hace Camino al Andar es un miembro), sólo…
Oficiales de la ciudad volvieron a negar ayer que el alcalde Michael Bloomberg anunciará la privatización de la administración de…