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Know Your Rights
Category: Housing Justice

⏰ We have 2 months to pass Good Cause

  • Jennifer Hernandez Director of Campaigns

Over the weekend, our members in Bushwick, Brooklyn petitioned their neighbors to support eviction protections through Good Cause eviction legislation. This legislation would allow tenants to fight unjust evictions and limit rent increases.

Working people should not be forced out of their homes because of greed or neglect from landlords.

Good Cause eviction legislation is common sense. Tell your representative to make it law before the end of this upcoming legislative session

  • Every tenant deserves to be able to ask for repairs without fear of harassment or eviction.
  • Every tenant deserves to be able to renew their lease without fear of astronomical rent hikes.
  • Every tenant deserves to know that they can keep a safe roof over their head if they take care of their home and pay rent on time.

As of right now, we have two months to pass Good Cause eviction legislation before the legislature goes home for the summer.

If you believe that no one should ever face an overnight 40% rent increase or be unsure where they will live next month, let your representatives know you are sick and tired of massive rent hikes and price gouging. 

All across the State, tenants, including members of Make the Road NY, are facing price gouging and displacement.

We can stop it, but we can’t do it without you. Add your name now. 

In solidarity,