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Know Your Rights
Category: Fundraising

Give today. Our fight continues.

This last year, my husband and I were both laid off from work and excluded from any government relief. We couldn’t pay rent. I’d go to food pantries and had to stand in line to receive food.

I turned to Make the Road NY, not only for direct support, but to take action and demand meaningful government relief. We refused to be excluded, and we organized for real relief.

As the year closes, I’m asking you to support this work with a donation today.

Because we organized, we won $2.4 billion in rent relief and a $2.1 billion excluded workers fund for New Yorkers. The Excluded Workers Fund has helped our communities tremendously, but there was not enough funding for everyone who was eligible. Now we are fighting to ensure that no one is left out.

Will you make a year-end gift to sustain the critical work that lies ahead?

We are demanding that New York State commit $3 billion in 2022 to fully fund excluded workers and to set a strong precedent for including immigrant workers in the social safety net. What we win here in New York is already serving as a model for other states.

Donate now to be part of this historic moment for immigrants and workers.

Thank you for your support!

— Nohemi Rojas, Housing Justice Committee Member