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Category: Education Justice

Gov. Hochul: we need $5 billion for Universal Childcare!

  • Julissa Bisono Director of Base Building

Last week, our members held a powerful rally outside of Governor Hochul’s office calling for a $5 billion investment in a safe, accessible, universal childcare system for all New Yorkers, regardless of their immigration status.

Donate today to help us get #NYSUniversalChildcare to the finish line ahead of the state budget deadline.

New York State is in need of a strong investment in childcare. Parents should not have to choose between their careers and the quality of care their children receive.

Both the Senate and Assembly support an investment of at least $3 billion to create a universal childcare program that will transform our economy and our communities. Now, we need Governor Hochul to deliver on a true universal childcare program.

It’s time to put children and families first and get universal childcare in the final budget.

Donate to our organizing efforts calling for a strong investment in universal childcare.