Two weeks ago more than 700 community members took to the streets of Jackson Heights to celebrate the resiliency and joy in the Transgender community and to demand access to employment for Trans and Gender Expansive people.
For 13 years Trans women and members in our Trans Immigrant Project (TrIP) have led the TransLatinx March to highlight the struggles, needs, joy, and complexities of their Trans experiences and existence.
At this year’s march, Trans community members demanded access to employment, protections for Trans workers, including sex workers, and Trans inclusion in our communities.
After you’ve shared the video, check out my Make the Road NY colleagues on the latest episode of the LGBT Bar NY Podcast, where they examine the intersection of surveillance, employment protections, sex work, and the immigration legal system.
¡Sí se puede!
— Bianey Garcia, TGNCIQ+ Justice Organizer