Our members are building real momentum for a path to citizenship and holding elected officials’ feet to the fire — even though some have tried to throw cold water on our efforts.
Now we need you to do one thing:
Tweet VP Kamala Harris and tell her our communities need a path to citizenship now.
It takes less than a minute and it makes a big difference.
The Vice President is legally authorized to reach a conclusion independent from the Senate Parliamentarian’s erroneous advisory opinion about acting on immigration reform. She can clear the path for Democrats to finally deliver on the promise of legalization.
Help us make sure Vice President Harris understands what we need.
For the past two weeks, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer hasn’t taken a step outside his home or office without being reminded of our demands. Now let’s make sure VP Harris hears our voices.
Check out our letter to VP Harris.
Thank you again for all your work to help us bring home this victory.