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Know Your Rights
Category: Workplace Justice

There are gaps in our safety net leaving workers behind. It’s time to close them.

This year our fight to fund excluded workers secured $2.1 billion in cash relief for thousands of New Yorkers excluded from unemployment and pandemic relief. We passed the largest ever economic assistance package for immigrant workers, in the history of this country. But the fund ran out.

Our fight continues, will you support this work with a year-end gift today?

Many in our community are still essential – and still excluded. Although nannies, domestic workers, street vendors and immigrant workers pay for public benefits, they are often shut out from receiving them. As COVID cases spike – hundreds of thousands will once more be pushed into dangerous work, with no choice.

We cannot wait for Congress to deliver. New York did it once and can do it again. With your support, we can ensure our state leaves no workers behind in 2022. Last week, we launched bold demands that will ensure our community is #ExcludedNoMore.

Learn more about our demands here.

Immigrant New Yorkers have both suffered in crisis, and helped build the road to our recovery. When we fight, we win. This year – let’s raise the bar of what is possible, what is just, and end the gaps in the social safety net, for good. Help support this bold fight with a year-end gift now.

In solidarity,