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Know Your Rights
Category: Police Accountability

VICTORY! NYC increases NYPD oversight and transparency.

  • Jose Lopez Co-Executive Director
  • Arlenis Morel Co-Executive Director
  • Theo Oshiro Co-Executive Director

Exciting news!

This week, as a result of our organizing with allies, New York City passed the How Many Stops Act, a common-sense policy that requires the NYPD to publicly report on all street public stops and consent searches.

In December, the City Council had passed this critical bill, but the Mayor had vetoed it. Now, with a veto-proof majority, and driven by the voices of those impacted by the NYPD’s abusive practices, the City Council heard us loud and clear and voted to override his veto. This doesn’t happen often and is a reflection of the power of our organizing!

Will you support our continued organizing to rein in abusive policing? We will keep up the fight and call on the City to invest in the vital services our communities need, instead of more police that criminalize us!

Our youth members have been a driving force in this victory. They organized in the streets and at City Hall with our allies, sharing their stories of being unjustly stopped by NYPD.

As our youth leader Marcos Larius said: “Now with the How Many Stops Act in place, we will have much needed information on police interactions within our communities, a step towards accountability and true community safety. We keep us safe in New York City.”

This victory builds on previous organizing victories on police accountability: our members organized successfully to rein in racist “stop and frisk” policing, increase transparency in school discipline reporting, and more.

Donate to support our organizing efforts for more police accountability and transparency today.

We thank our coalition partners at Communities United for Police Reform, Justice Committee, Council Members Alexa Avilés and Crystal Hudson who carried this legislation in the City Council, Public Advocate Jumaane Williams and Speaker Adrienne Adams.

¡Sí se puedo!

— Jose Lopez, Arlenis Morel, and Theo Oshiro, Co-Executive Directors