Yesterday, along with more than a thousand tenants from across New York State, we descended on Albany to demand the passage of Good Cause Eviction legislation.
Together, we marched to the Senate and Assembly chambers, where both of us joined allied housing justice leaders in blocking the doors of both chambers demanding New York elected officials prioritize this critical legislation for tenants. We got arrested along with 49 housing justice leaders, including 3 additional members of our team.
Tenants in New York are staring down a housing crisis of historic proportions, with rents skyrocketing and evictions surging to levels not seen since before the pandemic. Rent prices in New York City are up more than 30 percent from 2021; in Albany, rents have increased nearly 10% from 2019.
As our member Nilda Baez, a tenant from Brooklyn, said: “We have two weeks left of session and we call on the leadership and lawmakers of this state to support and fight to stop the displacement of tenants across the state by passing the Good Cause Eviction bill that will provide us with basic protections that tenants should already have in our state. The time to pass Good Cause Eviction is now.”
We are fighting tooth and nail for Good Cause Eviction because it would empower tenants to challenge exorbitant rent increases and unjust evictions in court and protect about half of all renters in New York. Learn more about this vital policy here.
¡Si se puede!