At one Mother’s Day brunch in Jackson Heights, the topic in the front of everyone’s mind was immigration rights.
At an event at Make The Road New York, some organizers said immigration reform would be an important Mother’s Day gift for some.
“I really want parents to be included in this because they are the original dreamers,” Make The Road New York Youth Coordinator Luba Cortez told WCBS 880′s Monica Miller.
Cortez said lawmakers talk about the DREAM Act for young immigrants and a 13-year path to citizenship, but neither idea will help people like her mother.
“My mother has already been here 13 years, my aunt has been here 20 years. And to wait 13 years more, it’s like a lifetime. There’s people that don’t have 13 years,” Cortez said.
The senate plans to take up its bipartisan immigration reform bill on Tuesday.
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