This year, at a small meeting at City Hall between Mayor Eric Adams and leaders of an anti-crime group, two attendees complained about a New York City Council bill requiring the police to document more interactions with the public.
The Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice (MOCJ) and the City University of New York’s Institute
for State & Local Governance (CUNY ISLG) announced a $6.5 million investment in restorative
justice (RJ) programs at 16 community-based organizations across New York City.
Today, the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice (MOCJ) and the Institute for State & Local Governance at the City University of New York (CUNY ISLG) announcement. They announced that a landmark investment of $16.5 million dollars in restorative justice (RJ), with $6.5 million going to community-based programming over the next 12 months.
Con un evento en una biblioteca en Inwood el alcalde Adams se regocijó por el acuerdo para invertir los más de $112,000 millones con que se moverá la Gran Manzana en los próximos 12 meses, pero líderes comunitarios y organizaciones lo criticaron por haber impulsado cortes millonarios que el Concejo Municipal, al que ven como el salvador de programas vitales, finalmente frenó.