From our partners: This year we organize again and for the 2nd time the #Slutwalk will be organized, we will go out to the streets to march in Queens County, New York. So remember, in this march, we will manifest #SexWorkers!
And together we will face and stop stigma and discrimination, demanding and demanding respect for our rights. We want a state law for decriminalization, decriminalization, persecution of Sex Work in NY. It is time for our rights to be guaranteed and for Sex Work to be stigmatized. We need to be included in the state and local priorities in NY.
We urgently need you to guarantee our lives. This march is a way of paying tribute to life. The life that is diverse and that unites us all “in our bodies we decide. Neither the church nor the state decide!!!
We have to end discrimination and insults towards us. The Slut have a voice, we are empowered, organized and demand that our voices be present.
Nothing about us, without us! Nothing about Slut, without Slut!