📣RALLY: Friday at 5pm. 780 Third Avenue. NYC. 📣
😡Donald Trump & his Republican party are committing human rights abuses at the border––separating families, caging babies, and using ICE & CBP as deportation machines.
💰Trump spews rhetoric, but it is CONGRESS who decides where our taxpayer money is spent––and that’s why we are calling on the NYC Congressional delegation, specifically Senator Chuck Schumer & U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand to #DEFUNDHATE: cut funding for ICE & CBP, create guardrails so Trump can’t steal money from other DHS agencies (like FEMA, while storms ravage the nation), and earmark funds for humanitarian aid.
📆THIS FRIDAY, AT 5PM WE WILL RALLY IN FRONT OF SENATORS SCHUMER & GILLIBRAND’S OFFICE TO MAKE OUR VOICES HEARD. Join us, bring a friend, bring your passion, and let’s bring home a victory against Trump & the GOP’s war on immigrants.
📧For more information, please email indivisibleharlem@gmail.com!