On FRIDAY, APRIL 17TH at 2:00pm, let’s take to our windows, our fire escapes, our roofs, our doors and our stoops, and make a racket loud enough to be heard in Washington. Let’s make noise and cry out for our state and federal elected officials to cancel rent, to house the homeless, to get a recovery for all people including the undocumented and hard hit Black and Brown communities, to get PPE to all healthcare and essential workers, to free our people from dangerous prisons and detention centers. We need a #Recovery4All! We need a #PeoplesBailout! We know that this is #TrumpsCOVIDFail
We Demand:
#CancelRent — Cancel rent and mortgage payments, establish a housing emergency fund, Freeze evictions, foreclosures, and utility shut-offs in all housing, Declare a moratorium on all work requirements for housing, house the houseless, $100 billion in rent assistance.
#ReleaseThemAll – Decarcerate — Immigration and Justice Transformation. Release everyone currently in immigration detention, release particularly vulnerable populations from prisons and jails to relieve concentration of risk to coronavirus, close immigration courts and cancel check-ins and other immigration interviews, hold telephonic bond hearings, divest resources from wall construction and border enforcement to provide medical care and create cash-based disaster relief to out-of-work households regardless of status. CASA, MRPA, MRNJ, TOP,
#EssentalWorker — UBI, UI, Green New Deal, Medicare For All, Childcare for All, Paid Sick, Hazard Pay, PPE, Paycheck guarantee
#AmazonStrikes — Paid Leave, Hazard Pay, care subsidies, shutdown and clean facilities with workers paid, personal protective equipment, no discipline or raising safety concerns, end work practices such as production quotas.
#ClimateStrike — The 50th anniversary of Earth Day is 4/22, which was planned as a day of mass action.