On the streets of Corona, Queens many are sounding off about Arizona’s new law requiring police to question anyone they suspect is in the country illegally.
"I think it’s very bad. There should be amnesty for everybody to become legal," said one Corona resident.
At the offices of Make the Road New York, the immigrant advocacy group is getting ready to help in the fight to overturn the new law.
"I think it’s good for us in New York to go kind of show solidarity to our brothers and sisters in Arizona to let them know that we are thinking about them and we’ll do everything in our power to overturn that law," said Make the Road New York Deputy Director Javier Valdes.
Make the Road will rally against the measure this Saturday in Queens then head to a bigger protest also scheduled for Saturday at Foley Square in Manhattan. Immigrant groups from all over the city are expected to participate.
But while many are gearing up for a fight, some community activists are applauding the law as a step in the right direction.
"Something has to be done. The federal government has not stepped up. Amnesty has been tried. It failed because there was nothing to stop the next wave of illegals coming in," said Middle Village activist Manny Caruana.
"There is a lot of concerns for the people in Arizona for their safety, for their well being to see where their taxes are being spent and I think it’s a good law that they passed," said Middle Village activist Anthony Nunziato.
And while many call the measure anti-immigrant, some say it’s necessary for the U.S. from a financial standpoint.
"We need secure borders. It’s affecting our way of life. It’s overwhelming our medical systems, it’s overwhelming our schools, and this is all coming out of the taxes of the people who are citizens of this nation we cannot sustain this," Caruana said.
While most everyone seems to agree something has to be done to deal with the immigration issue, those opposed to the Arizona law say this is not the way to do it.