MRNY made major strides in the previous quarter:
MRNY spearheaded the passage of the Multiple Dwellings Registration Act, city legislation that will end impunity for lawless landlords and help tens of thousands of tenants to better protect themselves and their families from hazardous housing conditions.
MRNY and the New York Immigration Coalition released a report revealing the Citys failure to properly implement Executive Order 120, legislation spearheaded by both organizations and passed in 2008 that mandates all government agencies provide translation and interpretation services in multiple languages. MRNY is working closely with the City to promptly remedy the problems our research identified.
MRNYs Youth Power Project intensified its advocacy to pass the Dream Act, leading national demonstrations in Washington DC, publishing op-ed pieces and meeting with elected officials to tell their stories.
MRNY organized an effective response to the recent spate of hate crimes in Staten Island by bringing widespread public attention to the issue, assisting the victims and their families, and leading an intensive, grassroots reconciliation process to address the root causes of tension in the community.