Together, we are unstoppable!
In the past few days, with your tremendous support, we’ve mobilized like never before. Thank you for responding to our call and joining 30,000 New Yorkers to protest Trump’s anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant policies.
Our fight back costs money — from equipment rentals to lawyer time — and we need your help to keep it going.
Please become a monthly sustainer now to support this work over the long haul.
To stay involved, come to a meeting of Aliados (allies) – sign up here.
Yesterday, with the New York Immigration Coalition and other allies, we anchored an unprecedented mobilization of 30,000 New Yorkers to Battery Park and then through the streets of Manhattan, demanding that Trump’s executive orders be rescinded and that he stop his policies of hate. Senators Schumer, Gillibrand and Booker, as well as Mayor de Blasio, gave a firm commitment to stand with our communities. US Representatives Nadler, Velázquez, Crowley, Maloney and Espaillat came out in strong support. NYC Comptroller Stringer, Public Advocate James, City Councilmembers, and more encouraged resistance. Thank you to all elected officials present for standing up with our community!
The day before that, on Saturday, we were among the first on the scene at JFK airport, where refugees were being unjustly detained. Our lawyers worked to get them released as our organizers spread the word. We invited elected officials to join us, and then brought throngs to Cadman Plaza, where, in response to the ACLU’s lawsuit, federal judge Donnelly issued a stay on the Muslim ban.
The stay means that refugees who would’ve been allowed in before the executive order can’t be deported or sent home, at least for now, though customs officials seem not to be complying with this. Our lawyers have been at JFK daily, from dawn till dusk, in an effort to ensure that customs officials comply with the stay.
Earlier, last Wednesday, immediately after Trump issued executive orders to build the wall and dramatically ramp up immigration enforcement, we opened all four of our centers to provide legal advice and clear information to hundreds of community members.
We then marched 500 strong through the streets of Jackson Heights, distributing “know your rights” literature to immigrant residents, chanting proudly, “aqui estamos y no nos vamos!”
Just a month ago, this would’ve seemed impossible.
Now it’s clear that there is no stopping us. Our sister organizations in New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania are also throwing down like never before – we’ll share more about their inspiring work soon.
Please become a monthly sustainer today. Help us keep this incredible momentum going.
¡Sí se puede!