City principals will have to submit plans in October
explaining how theyll meet the Mayor Bloombergs new service requirement for
schools, but it shouldnt be an onerous task for most of them.
Most schools, particularly at the
high school level, already engage in some service, according to Department of
Education spokeswoman Kerri Lyon. At
been required to log 40 hours of service before they graduate, Principal Mirza
Sanchez Medina told me yesterday. Other schools announced service initiatives
this week that were planned before Bloombergs announcement: Students from the
Academy of Urban Planning and the Bushwick
School for Social Justice planted 16 trees in between their campuses in
honor of Earth Day, and kids at Harlems PS 57 pitched ideas for
community-improvement grants to Scholastics Be Big Fund.
mayors initiative should expand the number of volunteer options available to
never participated in service before can start slowly, such as by joining Penny
Harvest, the popular program where kids donate pennies to charities of their
choice, she said.
figure out what works best for them,
said. AmeriCorps volunteers, provided through the nonprofit organization
Children for Children, will also help to incorporate and expand volunteerism in
requirement to incorporate volunteerism is not likely to be burdensome for
principals. We have every faith that, while our principals are challenged by
an extraordinary number of demands, they will embrace the possibility of
enhancing the community service programs they have already established over the
years, he said in a statement.