Paid Sick Time Campaign Launched at City Hall on July 29
Three weeks after Councilwoman Gale Brewer and others announced the launch of a legislative campaign for paid sick
time, the Paid Sick Time Bill was introduced in New York City
Some 36 (out of 51) Councilmembers co-sponsored the bill introduced
The legislation is backed by a diverse coalition including SEIU 32 BJ, the
Community Service Society, Make the Road, RWDSU, public health experts,
Restaurant Opportunities Center of NY, UFCW 1500 and small business owners.
The bill would allow workers to earn one hour of sick leave for every thirty
hours worked – up to 9 sick days per year (up to 5 sick days per year for small
business employees.)
Under the bill, sick days could be used when the employee is sick or to allow
the employee to care for sick children or other sick relatives.
The bill also has a provision allowing sick days to be used to care for
children whose schools have been closed by city officials for public health
reasons, even if the children are not themselves sick. Recent school closings
in New York City due to the swine flu outbreak caused havoc for working parents. Indeed the concept of paid sick leave legislation may very well have
gained momentum in light of the recent swine flu outbreak across the
Recently, the CDC Director (and former NYC Health Commissioner) stated that school closings are "rarely indicated" but the New
York City legislation, if passed, would give working parents some peace of mind
in this regard.
For more information about the paid sick time movement in New York City and
across the country, see the website of A Better