The majority of Long Islanders favor the immigration reform bill being debated in Congress that includes a path to citizenship for the nation’s 11 million undocumented immigrants, according to a new poll.
The study by Harstad Strategic Research found that 80 percent of voters on LI are in favor of the legislation, which was drafted by four Republicans and four Democrats referred to as the U.S. Senate’s “Gang of Eight.”
“There’s no reason Congress can’t get this done by the end of the summer,” President Barack Obama said in a Twitter post on Tuesday morning.
The initial vote on Tuesday is expected to initiate weeks of debate. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) hopes the bill will reach final Senate passage before July 4.
The bill calls for improvements in border strength and security and the implementation of new visa programs to provide jobs for citizenship seeking immigrants.
Rep. Tim Bishop (D-Southampton), the Long Island Civic Engagement Table, the Harstad Research pollsters and other proponents scheduled a Wednesday morning news conference to discuss the bill and their support.
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