Executive Summary
Amidst a broad affordable housing crisis in New York, the plight of immigrant tenants often goes unmentioned. Immigrants now comprise 38 percent of New York City residents (44 percent of households are headed by immigrants), and they are more likely than other New Yorkers to reside in rent-stabilized or controlled apartments. With the rent laws expiring this spring, and rent-regulated housing in jeopardy as a result, immigrant New Yorkers’ access to the city’s limited stock of affordable housing is thus greatly at risk.
This report provides data to illustrate the importance of robust rent laws for immigrant New Yorkers and the need to renew and strengthen these laws this year. Strengthening the rent laws this year will enable more immigrant New Yorkers to pursue the better life for themselves and their families for which they came to this city. If the rent laws are not strengthened, many immigrants will no longer be able to afford to live here, putting their American dreams in jeopardy.