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Know Your Rights
Source: The Examiner
Subject: Immigration
Type: Media Coverage

Rally Planned at NYC J. Crew to Protest Discrimination Against Transgender Job Applicants


activists and supporters plan to rally**
on Sunday, March 14, in front of a J. Crew store in Manhattan
to protest hiring discrimination against transgender job applicants at 24
stores in New York City,
according to the San Diego Gay & Lesbian News.

report says that protest organizers have filed a complaint against J. Crew with
the New York State Attorney General’s Office based on research that found that
non-transgender applicants were consistently hired over transgender applicants
for positions at J. Crew, even though the applicants were equally qualified.

The rally
and news conference will be at 1:15 p.m. ET in front of the J. Crew store at 91 Fifth Ave. in Manhattan.

discrimination is one of the biggest hurdles that transgender and transsexual
people face. Such discrimination hurts not only trans people, but also
employers who, because of unfounded prejudice, are denying themselves, their
business, and their customers the skills of qualified employees.

**Organized by Make the Road New York