WHAT: NYC high school students use their day off from school to mobilize against the Mayor’s proposed cuts to city education funds. The students will use street theatre and spoken word to explain how the education budget cuts will affect them and their schools.
WHY: Mayor Bloomberg has presented a budget with over $450 million dollars in cuts to education. These cuts follow a promise last year to increase support to schools, as well as $180 million cut in February that was imposed on school budgets without prior warning.
The UYC, in its statement on education cuts, declares: "We as the Urban Youth Collaborative support the City Council members who are refusing the budget cuts proposed by Mayor Bloomberg and call on the entire Council to reject the Mayor’s budget unless all cuts to education are restored. We need all of the money promised for important school resources such as: Student Success Centers, conflict mediation programs, updated books, smaller class sizes, student counselors, and new schools space."
WHERE: Sidewalk between Chambers Street & Park Row on Centre Street (Next to City Hall)
WHEN: Thursday, June 5, 2008 11:30am
WHO: 100 High school students who are members of, or affiliated with, the Urban Youth Collaborative (UYC). UYC is a citywide coalition of Desis Rising Up and Future Of Tomorrow, Make The Road New York, Sistas And Brothas United, and Youth On The Move. Other participating organizations include Families United for Racial and Economic Equality, Youth Activists-Youth Allies United for Racial and Economic Equality, Youth Activists-Youth Allies, and Global Action Project.