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Know Your Rights
Source: New York Post
Subject: Immigration
Type: Media Coverage

Tranny Beats MTA Can Ban

are on track for a 70-year-old transgender woman, born as a male, who’ll be
allowed to use the ladies’ bathroom at Grand Central Terminal without being

MTA yesterday apologized to—and dropped all charges against—Helena Stone, a
phone-repair worker who’d been busted three times by transit police for
disorderly conduct in the past six months when she went to relieve herself.

must be able to use the bathrooms just like everybody else," said Stone, who
was born in 1936 as Henry McGuinness.

has filed harassment complaints against the MTA.

weeks, Stone said, she’d been forced to use a cup to go to the bathroom out of
fear she’d be arrested again. Her plight sparked a peaceful protest of 20
transsexuals at Grand Central yesterday. –Liam