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Know Your Rights
Source: Gothamist
Subject: Immigration
Type: Media Coverage

Transgender Need Not Apply At J.Crew


latest company being called out for their discriminating hiring practices is J.
Crew (following the lead of Prada, American Apparel and scores of others).
Today a rally will go down at 1:15 p.m. in front of their 5th Avenue location, after a non-profit
group called
Make the Road New York filed a complaint with the NY
Attorney General’s office.

The group
says the preppy proprietor might as well post a "transgender people need
not apply" sign on their door. They recently put the company’s Manhattan retail store to
the test, (along with 23 other retail stores), sending a transgender and a
nontransgender to apply for jobs—with everything else (age, race, experience)
matching on their resumes. The full results can be seen after the jump. The
group’s report "also found a 42
percent net rate of discrimination for transgender job applicants… [and] 49
percent of transgender workers surveyed reported that they have never been
offered a job in the time that they have lived openly as transgender."

asks, "J. Crew has spent nearly three decades outfitting America‘s
homosexuals in their dandy wardrobe… why aren’t you hiring transgender job

Irene Tung of Make The Road NY tells us J. Crew is being singled
out of the 24 stores tested because they "acted
in a discriminatory way with two different matched pairs. The two separate
instances of discrimination are considered by the Attorney General and also by
social scientists who specialize in matched pair testing, to be especially
egregious because they represent a pattern of discrimination. So it is this
pattern of discrimination we are singling out at J. Crew."

specifically, one of the transgender employment testers, Julian Brolaski,
applied at the 5th Avenue
J. Crew store and "was treated brusquely, told to fill out an application
and was never called. His testing partner, Leigh Cambre, who entered the store
a few minutes later, described a very different experience, ‘I filled out an
application, was interviewed on the spot and offered a job soon after.’ A
separate pair of testers documented a similar situation."