Just months after winning landmark civil rights
complaints against New York States largest
pharmacy chains requiring comprehensive new
translation and interpretation services at close to
3000 pharmacies statewide, Make the Road New
York has catalyzed the passage of City legislation
similar services at all chain pharmacies throughout
the five boroughs.
On September 3, Make the Road New York members (pictured above) joined Mayor Bloomberg for the signing of the Language Access in Pharmacies Act (Introductory Number 859-A) into law.
Medication can be dangerous, and it is essential that
New Yorks two million limited English proficient
community members understand how to safely take
medications prescribed by their doctors.
Make the Road New York is proud to have worked
closely with New York Lawyers for the Public
Interest, City Council Speaker Quinn, Mayor
Bloomberg, Attorney General Cuomo, Public
Advocate Gotbaum and Council Member Gioia,
among others, to win this major language access and
public safety victory for customers at pharmacies
throughout the City.
Learn about this victory at ABC and El Diario.
Click here to read more about the history of this campaign.
Photo by William Alatriste.