Immigrant families and advocates team up with organizations across the movement and the country to take a stand against rampant family separation caused by deportations in immigrant communities on June 28, the National Day to Stop Separating Families.
Families and advocates all across the country will hold massive civic engagement events, rallies and to show our families’ determination, organizing power, and focus on increasing political pressure to stop family separation.
The National Day to Stop Separating serves as our coalition’s deadline for Congressional Republicans to act on immigration reform to stop family separations, and also as a plea for President Obama to be a champion for Latino and immigrant communities by taking immediate action to stop needless deportations.
[Starting minute 1:00 to 1:16, Hyna Naveed, a Make the Road NY organizer speaks about how the president has the choice in his hands to keep families together and pass the deffer action for everyone so that kids do not have to worry about they are going to come home and their parents are not going to be there.]
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