Opponents to Walmart stores opening within the five boroughs [including members of Make the Road NY] joined forces with “Occupy Wall Street” protesters in Lower Manhattan Thursday afternoon.
Workers from Walmart joined the protesters and local elected officials to say that the company contributes to the economic inequality that spurred the original demonstration more than a month ago.
The corporate chain is reportedly looking to open a store in Brooklyn, but Walmart officials would not comment if any plans are being actively pursued.
“I think Walmart has helped destroy the American middle class. Walmart’s trying to come into New York City and we have to do everything to stop it,” said Public Advocate Bill de Blasio.
“I came here today to join the 99 percent because I am the 99 percent. All Walmart associates are the 99 percent,” said one demonstrating Walmart worker.
Walmart officials said in a statement that the company donated $730 million to U.S. charities in 2011 and that 75 percent of Walmart managers started as hourly workers.
To read the original article and watch the video, click here.