NEW YORK — A noisy group of Occupy Wall Street and trade union activists [including members of Make the Road NY] targeted Republican frontrunner Mitt Romney outside a New York hotel where he attended a fundraiser Wednesday.
More than 150 protesters marched past the luxury Waldorf Astoria Hotel, some in costume as members of the super wealthy one percent, carrying signs that mocked the former businessman as “Mr One Percent.”
“100 percent out of touch,” read another sign.
Others dressed up as the grim reaper, but with Romney face masks, while pallbearers carried a fake coffin on top of which sat an urn labeled “job cremator.”
A banner read “Take the money out of politics.”
Romney is raising cash in New York as he continues to wage a bruising primary battle against several candidates, including Rick Santorum, who won Tuesday in contests in Alabama and Mississippi.
Activists with Occupy Wall Street, which sprang up in September last year to highlight growing inequality, say Romney is out of touch with the poor and middle class.
“Romney really represents the core of what we’re talking about in terms of being the one percent,” said Darrell Prince, 35, an activist with Occupy Wall Street. “Money is going to propel him to the nomination.”
“People should know he’s not a regular guy,” said Larry Bortoluzzi, 54, a member of a health care workers’ union.
Diane Moxley, 43, an attorney from New Jersey, marched as a mock “one percenter,” wearing a black dress, long gloves and a tiara.
“Now voters have to think in the voting booth which corporations they want to run the country,” Moxley said. “Whichever candidate wins, the one percent wins.”
Most passersby paid little attention to the protest, but one man angrily shouted: “Get a job!”
“Without me, there’s no you,” he added.
Todd Shapiro, a Romney supporter standing outside the Waldorf Astoria who said he was attending the fund raising luncheon, said protesters should be targeting Obama since he’s the one in office.
“Having problems with the economy? Elect a businessman,” he said. Romney, he said, “wants to put people to work.”
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