Category: Uncategorized

On Roosevelt, three sides to every story

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The differences largely boil down to taking a strict approach to law enforcement or a more accommodating one that would legitimize things like sex work and more widespread vending, even while touting new public safety initiatives.

Live from Albany: The Rent is Too High

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Today on La Voz with Mariel Fiori we are broadcasting live from Albany, the capital of the state of New York, where more than a thousand people, members of a coalition of more than 80 organizations for Housing Justice come today to ask that our legislators vote in favor of a package of bills that would benefit renters...

Inmigrantes de Nueva York exigen a Albany que finalmente amplíe cobertura médica para todos

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Con la sesión legislativa 2024 instalada, activistas, organizaciones comunitarias, trabajadores médicos y líderes políticos de la Gran Manzana, arreciaron su llamado al Senado y la Asamblea estatales para que extiendan la cobertura de salud a todas las personas de bajos ingresos, sin importar estatus migratorio, que suman más de 250,000.