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Know Your Rights
Source: Make the Road New York
Subject: Immigration
Type: Event

Pa’lante! Moving Immigration Reform Forward

Dear Friends:

As the debate over immigration has intensified, Make the Road New York has been very busy. Our work is having impact at the local, state and federal level and our members’ voices are helping to shape the national conversation.

Here’s a glimpse at a week in the life of Make the Road New York:

Saturday, April 24th:
A day after the AZ Governor signs anti-immigrant law, MRNY is the first New York organization to respond, holding a press conference to express our anger and show solidarity with Latino and immigrant communities in Arizona. [ABC, NY1]

Monday, April 25th:
MRNY member Patricia Suarez testifies before the City Council to urge passage of a resolution denouncing the Arizona law and calling for immigration reform.

Tuesday, April 26th:
MRNY joins immigrant advocates nationwide in a day of action against the Arizona bill. [NY Daily News, SI Advance].

Wednesday, April 27th:
MRNY participates in a meeting with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senators Schumer, Leahy, Feinstein and Menendez to discuss the Senate leadership strategy to pass immigration reform this year.

Thursday, April 28th:
MRNY joins City Council Speaker Christine Quinn and other Council Members on the steps of City Hall to denounce the Arizona bill and call for immigration reform. [AM-NY, NY 1]

Saturday, May 1st:
On May Day, while groups across the world celebrate the struggles of the labor rights movement, MRNY organizes two marches for immigration reform in one day to underscore the plight of immigrant workers. The marches, in Staten Island and Queens, bring together hundreds of community members to push for reform and condemn recent hate crimes targeting Mexican immigrants in Staten Island. [NY 1]

"Pa’lante" means to move forward, and we are doing just that. Your support enables Make the Road New York to have the depth and breadth of resources, staff, and operating base to continue our ambitious program work on many fronts simultaneously, and to respond effectively when there is an opportunity to push forward.

Thank you.