The pandemic has reinforced for all of us that access to health coverage and care is often a matter of life or death, especially for our most vulnerable neighbors.
Our state has an opportunity to substantially expand health coverage for New Yorkers–and it wouldn’t cost New York a penny. Last week the State Senate passed Coverage for All legislation, which would expand Essential Plan coverage to low-income New Yorkers, regardless of immigration status. With the State Assembly set to return for two more legislative days this week, the chamber has the chance to do the right thing and bring home a historic victory for New Yorkers.
The pandemic has reinforced for all of us that access to health coverage and care is often a matter of life or death, especially for our most vulnerable neighbors. The Coverage for All bill offers an unprecedented opportunity to close the largest gap in coverage among New Yorkers and improves the healthcare system statewide. At the same time, the bill would create substantial savings for the state and boost the economy.
Passing Coverage for All is a moral imperative. Every day in our state, our undocumented neighbors facing illness and injury are put in an impossible position. Without health insurance, they cannot afford to seek necessary and preventative care, prolonging their illness, and suffering, or even putting their lives at risk. Our uninsured neighbors fear exorbitant medical bills that would drive them into endless debt.