About this Report:
In 2003, Make the Road by Walking began canvassing Bushwick homes to identify the gravity of housing problems suffered by neighborhood residents. Surveyors knocked on more than 216 doors, and interviewed more than 340 residents in over 44 buildings. The results of these personal interviews and surveys provided an empirical and experiential context with which to understand data retrieved from the 2000 U.S. Census, the Department of City Planning, the NYC Housing and Vacancy Survey, and The State of New York Citys Housing and Neighborhoods 2002. Unless noted otherwise, the statistical data cited throughout this report draws from The State of New York Citys Housing and Development 2002s compilations derived from the aforementioned sources.
The combined results presented such a grim picture of Bushwicks housings woes, that Make the Road by Walking decided to publish this report, This Side of Poverty: Bushwicks Housing Crisis, to draw attention to the state of Bushwicks housing.
All percentages in this survey are rounded to the nearest tenth or nearest hundredth.
Make the Road by Walking would like to thank the many community residents who joined project organizers in door-knocking and interviewing Bushwick residents. We would also like to thank the Center for Third World Organizing and the Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation, without whom this report would not have been possible.