Right to a Roof Report
Leave your thoughtsDOWNLOAD HERE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY As New York City begins to envision its recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and the movement…
DOWNLOAD HERE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY As New York City begins to envision its recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and the movement…
Sounding the alarm for the next leader of New York City, a new report examining the de Blasio administration’s housing…
Groups of tenants’ advocates marched through Downtown Brooklyn on Tuesday from the Housing Court on Livingston Street to the office…
A newly issued order from the Centers for Disease Control prohibits anyone from being evicted from their home through the…
Los desalojos para inquilinos de Nueva York que tenían una orden judicial o de desahucio justo antes del inicio de la pandemia fueron extendidos hasta…
Este miércoles, decenas de inmigrantes, entre ellos varios niños, instalaron una mesa enorme frente a la oficina principal del Gobernador, Andrew Cuomo, en…
A statewide eviction moratorium ends Wednesday for tenants whose cases were adjudicated before the COVID-19 crisis, leaving roughly 14,000 New…
El Congreso del Estado de Nueva York aprobó este programa para ayudar a algunas familias que tengan problemas para pagar…
“He knows I don’t have a job. He knows I don’t have anywhere to go — he’s preying on me.”…
Una inquilina de un edificio ubicado en el barrio de Woodside, en Queens, está recolectando las firmas de otros vecinos…