8 arrestados en protesta contra JP Morgan por apoyar centros de detención de inmigrantes
Leave your thoughtsOcho personas fueron arrestadas ayer durante una protesta en Nueva York frente a la casa del presidente del JPMorgan Chase,…
Ocho personas fueron arrestadas ayer durante una protesta en Nueva York frente a la casa del presidente del JPMorgan Chase,…
Immigrant rights advocates gathered in the pouring rain early Wednesday morning outside Jamie Dimon’s Upper East Side home to protest…
There’s a new tactic in the battle against ICE’s detention network: Defund the private prison companies that operate these facilities.…
Desde que ‘La Migra’ arrestó a Pablo Villavicencio hace siete semanas, cuando entregaba una pizza en la base militar Fort…
ALBANY – The state Labor Department held seven hearings, received more than 40 hours of testimony and accepted hundreds of…
Though federal authorities say they are acting as efficiently as possible to carry out the reunifications, some immigrant rights advocates…
ALBANY — State Controller Thomas DiNapoli this week took the rare step of divesting all direct state pension fund holdings…
New York state Comptroller Tom DiNapoli junked the state public pension fund’s remaining private prison assets Thursday in response to…
Los residentes de Brooklyn, Concepción y Margarito Silva, fueron arrestados el 4 de julio cuando visitaban a su yerno militar…
Perla Silva, the daughter of an undocumented couple who was detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement while visiting relatives at…