Council Passes Bill Enabling City to Fix Worst Buildings
Leave your thoughtsThe City Council passed a bill yesterday giving the city broad new powers to go after landlords with histories of…
The City Council passed a bill yesterday giving the city broad new powers to go after landlords with histories of…
La ley Safe Housing, que mejorará las condiciones de los edificios en peores condiciones de NYC, se consiguió con la…
This bill is a full-out, governmental full-court press against slumlords in the city of New York," said Christine C. Quinn,…
Thousands of housing advocates, tenants on the brink of eviction and even homeless people rallied at Peter Cooper Village/Stuyvesant Town…
Location: Stuyvesant Town, 14th Street and 1st Avenue 5:00 pm Contact Irene Tung: 718-418-7690 x 231,
Things are changing for Soni Holman Fink and the thousands of other residents of Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village.…
María Quintanilla, una inquilina que fue presuntamente golpeada por la mujer del dueño del edificio, David Meléndez, entabló ayer una…
When this tenant says her landlord smacks of evil, she means it quite literally. Bushwick residentMaria Quintanilla is set to…
El alcalde Michael Bloomberg presentó ayer el tercer reporte de los compromisos de su campaña e insistió en que la…
A tenant in a Brooklyn apartment building received support from her neighbors as she stood up to her super and…